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Thursday, October 9, 2008


BAJRANG DAL fights for their survival

After facing the threat of life-long “ban”, the aggressive political group BAJRANG DAL has gone for protest, challenging government action to ban them. BAJRANG DAL, youth wing of Vihwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) was in news recently as they were accused of wide-spread violence in states like Orissa and Karnataka. BAJRANG DAL faced the strong opposition of many political leaders as they demanded regularly for their ban. In après statement, Prakash Sharma, national convener of BAJRANG DAL reacted sharply and was determined to fight the ban and explained that it is injustice done to them. He told press that the consequences will be fierce and violent if their organization is banned. Recently the political group was accused in large scale violence and massacre against Christians and Churches in Karnataka and Orissa. There was another serious accusation that the group is planning to manufacture bombs to kill Muslims in India. The alleged charges are very serious and have evoked a wide range of action from all leading political leaders in the Cabinet. Sharma defended his political party’s activities and told that their agenda is to protect Hindus and their rights in India. BAJRANG DAL was formed in 1984 and played a significant role in the events that lead to the demolition of the Babri Masjid in Ayodhya in December 1992. It was responsible for the nationwide Hindu-Muslim violence in the country.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


There are numerous occasions when young people will find it hard to believe that they themselves will get old someday. Some of our elders believe that last years of life are the finest years of life as we experience happiness in it. Old age is a time of spiritual fulfillment and completion.

It’s the stage when people can look closely at themselves and at the reality of life and death without the distractions of worldly concerns. In old age, we generally realize that our heart knows if we have lived a satisfying life or not. We are the best judge to decide it for ourselves that we have lived our life happily.

The parameter to decide of calculating happiness in our life depends largely on the fact that how we view at the concept of “death” in our life. Ironically many among us are fearful and anxious about death.

It is important to compare the cycle of life and death with that of rhythms of waking and sleeping. It’s our deep sleep that brings rest after strenuous hard work and exertion. Death can be viewed as welcome period of rest and re-energizing in preparation of new round of another active life. Let me assure that a calm death is always accompanied to the ones who have lived a happy life and that too without regrets.

If a tree can bear a fruit in harvest season then old age is a period of developing. It is indeed a golden phase in our life as we have rich experience, deeply refined character and a tender heart. It is true that old age also brings in loss of certain capacities of mind and body but they should be seen as badges of honor and should be worn with pride.

There is saying “To a fool, old age is a winter, to a wise man it is a golden time”. It all depends upon on your vision and attitude.

Let me cite you an example of woman called “Grandma Moses”, an elderly woman of one hundred one years of age and having produced almost fifteen hundred painting till her death. Now let me tell you that she started painting at the age of 75 and didn’t have formal education about arts and paintings. She faced rigorous hardships throughout her long 75 years but refused to drag down by it and looked ahead for success. Her last years glowed like sunshine and was satisfied with the accomplishment she had with those remarkable paintings.

There is colossal difference between living a long simple life and living a rewarding life. It is significant that how many different and vibrant colors we can pour in to our lives and make world a beautiful place to survive for others.