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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Synonyms and its types with examples


Meaning and Definition:

Synonyms are special words with alike or at least similar meanings. Words that are synonyms are said to be synonymous, and the state of being a synonym is called synonymy. For example synonyms of the word scar is automobile, or announcements is declarations.  Synonym means words with the similar meaning or its semantic relation. So, it is a word or a phrase that means the same as another word or a phrase in the same language.

Synonyms help to improve your vocabulary and also help to further explain a thought with another word if the first word isn't understood. Therefore we can say that a Synonym is nothing more than an alias or alternate name for almost all the words appearing in the language. Synonym is just an alternate name for an object, it requires no storage other than its definition. Synonyms are very powerful from the point of view of allowing users access to objects that do not lie within their schema. All synonyms have to be created explicitly with the CREATE SYNONYM command and the underlying objects can be located in the same database or in other databases that are connected by database links.

Uses of Synonyms:

There are two main uses of synonyms they are:
1. Object transparency: Synonyms can be created to keep the original object transparent to the user.
2. Location transparency: Synonyms can be created as aliases for the tables and other objects that belong other than the local database.
While creating a table or a procedure, it is created in your plan, and other users can access it only by using your schema name as a prefix to the object's name. The way around for this is for the schema owner creates a synonym with the same name as the table name.

Types of Synonyms

Synonym can be public or private. By default, synonyms are created for the user who executes the command. Public synonyms are accessible by all the users in the database and private synonyms are part of the individual user’s schema -- access rights have to be individually granted to specific users before they can use the private synonyms.

Public Synonyms

Public synonyms are owned by special schema in the oracle database called PUBLIC. As mentioned earlier, public synonyms can be referenced by all users in the database. Public synonyms are usually created by the application owner for the tables and other objects such as procedures and packages so the users of the application can see the objects.
The following code shows how to create a public synonym for the employee table:
CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM employees for hr.employees;

Private Synonyms

A private synonym is a synonym within a database schema that a developer typically uses to mark the true name of a table, view stored procedure, or other database object in an application schema.
Private synonyms, unlike public synonyms, can be referenced only by the schema that owns the table or object. You may want to create private synonyms when you want to refer to the same table by different contexts. Private synonym overrides public synonym definitions. You create private synonyms the same way you create public synonyms, but you omit the PUBLIC keyword in the CREATE statement
( To be inserted in the end of the chapter after discussing the previous year question and answers )
Self Test Exercise

Exercise 1

In the following the questions choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word.

1.         INDICT
A.        Condemn        B.        Reprimand
C.        Accuse            D.        Allege
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C


Meanings: formally accuse of a crime (Law); accuse, charge, criticize
A.        Smouldering    B.        Gilittering       
C.        Touching         D.        Warming
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B

3.         REFECTORY
A.        Restaurant       B.        Parlour
C.        Living Room   D.        Dining Room

Answer: Option D

4.         DISTINCTION
A.        Diffusion         B.        Disagreement
C.        Different         D.        Degree

Answer: Option C

5.         IMPROVEMENT
A.        Advancement B.        Betterment     
C.        Promotion       D.        Preference

Answer: Option B


A.        Failure             B.        Helplessness
C.        Misfortune      D.        Crisis

Answer: Option C

7.         TURN UP
A.        Land up           B.        Show up         
C.        Crop up           D.        Come up

Answer Option D

8.         DEIFY
A.        Flatter B.        Challenge
C.        Worship           D.        Face

Answer: Option C

9.         SHALLOW
A.        Artificial          B. Superficial
C.        Foolish            D.        Worthless

Answer: Option B

10        MASSACRE
A.        Murder            B.        Stab
C.        Assissinate      D. Slaughter   

Answer: Option D

11.       COMBAT
A.        Conflict           B. Quarrel
C.        Feud                D. Fight          

Answer: Option D

12        VORACIOUS
A.        Wild    B.        Hungry           
C.        Angry  D.        Quick

Answer: Option B

13        IMPROMPTU
A.        Offhand          B.        Unimportant
C.        Unreal                         D.        Effective

Answer: Option A

14        RABBLE
A.        Mob     B.        Noise
C.        Roar    D.        Rubbish

Answer: Option A

15.       TEPID
A.        Hot      B.        Warm
C.        Cold    D.        Boilin

Answer: Option B

16.       MAYHEM
A.        Jubilation         B.        Havoc
C.        Excitement      D.        Defeat

Answer: Option B

17        TIMID
A.        Fast     B.        Slow
C.        Medium           D. Shy            

Answer: Option D

A.        Quarrelsome    B.        Rash
C.        Disrepectful    D.        Noisy

Answer: Option A

19..      PRECARIOUS
A.        Cautious          B.        Critical
C.        Perilous           D.        Brittle

Answer: Option C

A.        Dumbness       B.        Changeablemess
C.        Hesitation        D.        Reserve          

Answer: Option D

21.       INEBRIATE
A.        Dreamy           B.        Stupefied
C.        Unsteady         D.        Drunken         

Answer: Option D

22.       HARBINGER
A.        Massenger       B.        Steward
C.        Forerunner       D.        Pilot

Answer: Option C

23.       INTIMIDATE
A.        To hint B.        Frighten          
C.        Bluff   D.        Harass

Answer: Option B

24.       IRONIC
A.        Inflexible         B.        Bitter
C.        Good-natured D.        Disguisedly sarcastic  

Answer: Option D

25.       STRINGENT
A.        Tense   B.        Stringly
C.        Strict   D.        Causing to Shrink

Answer: Option C

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