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Thursday, April 11, 2013



1. The earliest rock cut caves in western India are those at—
A.Nasik, Ellora and Ajanta
B. Junnar, Kalyan and Pitalkhora
C. Ajanta, Bhaja and Kondane
D. Bhaja, Pitalkhora and Kondane                                                      
Ans : (A)

2. The name by which Ashoka is generally referred to in his inscriptions is—
B. Dharmadeva
C. Dharmakirti
D. Priyadarsi
Ans : (D)

3. Which one of the following is a monument constructed by Sher Shah ?
A. Kila-i-Kuhna mosque at Delhi
B. Atala Masjid at Jaunpur
C. Barasona Masjid at Gaur
D. Quiwwat-al-Islam mosque at Delhi
Ans : (A)

4. Which among the following cities is considered as one of the oldest surviving cities in the world ?
A. Mathura
B. Varanasi
C. Hardwar
D. Ayodhya
Ans : (A)

5.. The earliest evidence of silver in India is found in the—
A. Harappan culture
              B. Chalcolithic cultures of Western India                                        
C. Vedic texts
D. Silver punch marked coins
Ans : (A)

6. Which one of the following is a language of Baluchistan but linguistically Dravidian ?
A. Brahui
              B. Kui                                                    
             C. Parji
             D. Pengo
Ans : (A)

7. Which one of the following is the most fundamental difference between Mahayana Buddhism and . Hiragana Buddhism ?

A. Emphasis on ahimsa
B. Casteless society
C. Worship of gods and goddesses
D. Worship of stupa
Ans : (C)                                                                                                                                     

8. The Constitution of India is
A.       rigid
B.       flexible
C.      partly rigid and partly flexible
D.      very rigid
Ans: C)

9. The parliamentary system of government in India is based on the pattern of parliamentary government existing in
A.       France
B.       Canada
C.      America
D.      All of the above
Ans. B)

10. The Constitution of India describes India as
A.       a union of states
B.       quasi-federal
C.      a federation of states and union territories
D.      partly unitary and partly federal
Ans. A)

11. The Constitution declares India a "Secular State", which means
A.       religious worship is not allowed
B.       religions are patronized by the state
C.      the state regards religions as a private affair of the citizen and does not discriminate on this basis
D.      none of the above
Ans. C)

12. The Preamble to the Constitution declares India
A.       a Sovereign, Democratic Republic                                                                  
B.       a Socialist, Democratic Republic
C.      a Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic
D.      none
Ans. C)

13. The Preamble to the Indian Constitution reads
A.       We, the people of India adopt, enact and give to India this
B.       Constitution
C.      We, the members of the Constituent Assembly adopt, enact and give to ourselves this Constitution
D.      We, the citizens of India adopt, enact and give to ourselves this Constitution
E.       We, the people of India in our Constituent Assembly adopt, enact and give to ourselves this Constitution
Ans. D)

14. What was the exact constitutional status of the Indian Republic on January 26, 1950, when the Constitution was inaugurated?
A.       a Democratic Republic
B.       a Sovereign Democratic Republic
C.      a Sovereign Secular Democratic Republic
D.      a Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic

Ans. B)

   15. What is ‘Watergate’?
A.      A gate of dam across Mississippi
B.      2. A dam across Hudson river
C.     3. Scandal in which President Richard Nixon got entangled
D.     4. A five star hotel in Los Angeles
   16. What is the name of the building which holds the principal US bullion depository?
A.       Fort Atkinson
B.        Fort Collins
C.       Fort Knox
D.       Jodrell Bank

Ans  C)

   17. Which country produces the maximum sugar in the world?
A.       USA
B.        India
C.       Cuba
D.       Brazil

Ans B)

   18. What is the capital of Morocco?
A.       Muscat
B.       Managua
C.       Ulan Bator
D.       Rabat

Ans D)

   19. ‘Death Valley’ is located in
A.       California US
B.        Kerala, India
C.       Israel
D.       Saudi Arabia

Ans  A)

   20. ‘Yurts’ are
A.       A nomadic tribe of the Middle East
B.        A type of milk preparation
C.       A tent of animal skins of the monadic tribes of Central Asia
D.       A type of land form found in deserts

Ans C)

   21. ‘Galileo Satellites’, named after their discoverer, are four large moons of the planet
A.       Jupiter
B.        Neptune
C.       Saturn
D.       Uranus

Ans A)

22.  Which of the following was a goal of the early nineteenth-century liberals?

   A.  universal manhood suffrage.       
   B.  careers open to men of talent.
    C.  government regulation of factories and wages.
    D.  an established state church.
    E.  tariffs on goods imported from colonies.

Ans.  B

23.  Which of the following was a belief shared by utopian and scientific socialists?

   A.  The labor of the middle class determines the value of a product.
   B.  Class struggle is the necessary means to achieve social change.
   C.  Private property should be abolished.
   D.  History is determined by economic laws.
   E.  Within the family and society, patriarchy should shape power relations between sexes.

Ans.  C

24.  Population when unchecked increases in a geometric ration.  Subsistence only increases in an arithmetic ratio.  A slight acquaintance with the numbers will show the immensity of the first power in comparison with the second.  These statements were used for which of the following purposes?

   A.  to promote laissez-faire.
    B.  to encourage class revolution.
    C  to explain working-class poverty.
    D.  to extend the franchise.
    E.  to encourage overseas investments.

Ans. C
25.  One impulse from a vernal wood
     May teach you more of man
     Of moral evil and of good
     Than all the sages can.

    The views stated in this poem are an example of which of the following "isms"?

   A.  nationalism.
   B.  liberalism.
   C socialism.
   D.  Romanticism.
   E.  naturalism.

Ans.   D

26.  According to laissez-faire economic philosophy, society benefited when

A.       the government administered price controls in urban housing.
B.         unions organized and were recognized as legitimate bargaining units.
C.        the coordination of markets was achieved by impersonal forces.
D.        a sexual division of labor required women to tend home and family.
   E. government subsidies promoted improvement in the national infrastructure.

Ans. C
27.  One feature of England that gave it an advantage over France in industrializing earlier was
 A. accessible deposits of raw materials.
                 B. a national banking system.
                C. an expanding population.
              D a stable government in the hands of the upper classes.
                E.    the absence of internal customs.
Ans. D

28“ Weight of a liquid displaced by a body floating in it is equal to the weight of the body. “ This theory is related with
  1. Archemede’s Principle
  2. Charle’s law
  3. Pascql”s Law
  4. None of these
Ans. A
29.   Temperature 200C is equal to
  1. 350C
  2. 450C
  3. 680C
  4. None of these
Ans. C

30.   How much heat would be required to change the temperature of 10 kg of water from 250C to 500C ( given specific heat of water = 4200 J/kg0C
  1. 630KJ  
  2. 1050KJ
  3. 1050000KJ
  4. None of these
Ans. B
  1. Why gaps are left between the rail joints?
  1. To save the Iron
  2. To proper fixing of screw
  3. For the expansion of rail pieces dring hotness
  4. All of these
Ans. C
  1. Condensation is the process
  1. Like vaporization
  2. Like melting on heating
  3. Reverse of vaporization
  4. None of these
Ans. C
  1. Which of the following would expand the mpost on being heated?
  1. Water
  2. Alcohol
  3. Glass
  4. Air
Ans. D
  1. The process of transfer of heat in a liquid or a gas by the movement of molecules from the hotter to the colder part of the liquid or gas is called
  1. Conduction
  2. Convection
  3. Radiation
  4. None of these
Ans. B

35. Under which market condition  do firms have excess capacity?
(A) Perfect competition
(B) Monopolistic competition
(C) Duopoly
(D) Oligopoly
Ans. A
36. Price theory is also known as
       (A) Macro Economics
(B) Development Economics
(C) Public Economics
(D) Micro Economics
Ans. A
37. At present, India is following
      (A) Fixed exchange rate
      (B) Floating exchange rate
      (C) Pegged up exchange rate
      (D) Pegged down exchange rate

Ans. C
38. Who among the following won the ICC Cricketer of the Year Award for the year 2009?
(A) M S Dhoni
(B) CautamGambhir
(C) Mitchell Johnson
(D) TillakartneDilshan

Ans. A

39. .  A vitamin requires cobalt for its activity. The vitamin is
A.       Vitamin B12  
B.        Vitamin B2
C.       Vitamin A     
D.       Vitamin D
Ans A

40.  One of the constituents of tear  gas is
(A) Ethane       
(B) Ethanol
(C) Ether          
(D) Chloropicrin

Ans. D

41.  The modulus of rigidity is the ratio of
A.       Longitudinal stress to longitudinal strain
B.        Volume stress to volume strain
C  Shearing stress to shearing strain
D Tensile stress to tensile strain
Ans. B

42.  Plasma membrane ineukaryotic cells is made up of
(A) Phospholipids
(B) Lipoprotein
(C) Phospholipo-protein
(D) Phospho-protein
Ans. A
43.  Which one of the following is also called the ‘power plants’ of the cell?
(A) Golgi body
(B) Mitochondrion
(C) Ribosome
(D) Lysosome
Ans. B
44.  What is the chemical name of Vinegar?
(A) Citric acid        
(B) Pyruvic acid
(C) Acetic acid       
(D) Malic acid
Ans. C
45.  Which of the following is not a property of heavy water?
(A) Boiling point of heavy water is higher than that or ordinary water
(B) Density of heavy water is higher than that of ordinary water
(C) Freezing point of heavy water is higher than that of ordinary water
(D) It produces corrosion
Ans. B
46.  In which of the following  process is energy released?
(A) Respiration
(B) Photosynthesis
(C) Ingestion
(D) Absorption
Ans. A
47.  Animals living in the three trunks are known as
(A) Arboreal
(B Volant
(C) Amphibious
(D) Aquatic
Ans. A
48.  Arrange the following in chronological order :
1. Tughlaqs
2. Lodis
3. Saiyids
4. Ilbart Turks
5. Khiljis
A) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(B) 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
(C) 2, 4, 5, 3, 1
(D) 4, 5, 1, 3, 2

Ans. A

49. When light travels from air into a glass slab, which one of the following does not change?

A.      Wave length
B.      Speed
C.     Frequency
D.     Amplitude
Ans. C

50.   Concave lens is used in curing of
  1. Hypermetropia
  2. Myopia
  3. Color blindness
  4. Astingmatism
Ans. B

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