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Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Quiz Based On Word Swap for IBPS PO



 Quiz Based On Word Swap for IBPS PO

Directions: In each of the questions given below, four words are given in bold. These four words may or may not be in their correct position. The sentence is then followed by options with the correct combination of words that should replace each other in order to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct. Find the correct combination of words that replace each other. If the sentence is correct as it is, select option E as your answer.


Q1. The extracted (a) characteristics (b) of the acetonitrile technical (c) butadiene plant after remolding (d) were introduced.

(1) Only A-B

(2) Both A-B and C-D

(3) Only A-C

(4) Both A-C and B-D

(5) The sentence is correct

Ans1. Option (3)    Difficulty – M

Correct Sentence: The technical characteristics of the acetonitrile extracted butadiene plant after remolding were introduced.


Q2. The politician is affiliated (a) parties and no wishes (b) longer (c) to be switching (d) with Democratic legislators.

(1) Only A-D

(2) Both A-D and B-C

(3) Only A-B

(4) Both A-B and C-D

(5) The sentence is correct

Ans2. Option (2) Difficulty – H

Correct Sentence: The politician is switching parties and no longer wishes to be affiliated with Democratic legislators.


Q3. A definitive (a) and concise (b) statement on democratic transition (c) and consolidation with contemporary relevance (d) and applicability.

(1) Only A-D

(2) Both A-D and B-C

(3) Only B-D

(4) Both A-C and B-D

(5) The sentence is correct

Ans3. Option (2) Difficulty – M

The given sentence is absolutely correct.


Q4. When you quibble (a) with a main (b) friend, talk about the close (c) dish, don't quarrel (d) over the appetizers.

(1) Both A-C and B-D

(2) Only A-D

(3) Only C-D

(4) Both A-D and B-C

(5) The sentence is correct

Ans4. Option (4) Difficulty – H

Correct Sentence: When you quarrel with a close friend, talk about the main dish, don't quibble over the appetizers.


Q5. There was a frantic (a) rush to get everything unexpected (b) for the ready (c) inspection from the superiors (d)

(1) Both A-D and B-C

(2) Only A-D

(3) Only B-C

(4) Both A-B and C-D

(5) The sentence is correct

Ans5. Option (3) Difficulty – M

Correct Sentence: There was a frantic rush to get everything ready for the unexpected inspection from the superiors.


Q6. In the contemporary western changing (a) rapidly world (b) styles cater (c) to a desire (d) for novelty and individualism.

(1) Only B-D

(2) Both A-B and C-D

(3) Both A-C and B-D

(4) Only A-C

(5) The sentence is correct

Ans6. Option (4) Difficulty – E

Correct Sentence: In the contemporary western world rapidly changing styles cater to a desire for novelty and individualism.


Q7. There are always referential speaker (a) possible to the alternatives (b) and addressee and to the observer (c) in relation (d) to any utterance.

(1) Only A-B

(2) Only C-D

(3) Both A-D and B-C

(4) Both A-B and C-D

(5) The sentence is correct

An7. Option (1) Difficulty – M

Correct Sentence: There are always referential alternatives possible to the speaker and addressee and to the observer in relation to any utterance.


Q8. Engineers are still trying (a) to come up with a commercially (b) viable combustion (c) for internal replacement (d) engines.

(1) Both A-C and B-D  

(2) Only C-D

(3) Both A-B and C-D

(4) Only A-C

(5) The sentence is correct

Ans8. Option (2) Difficulty – E

Correct Sentence: Engineers are still trying to come up with a commercially viable replacement for internal combustion engines.


Q9. After the adjourned (a) was case (b), the livelihood (c) said that if they lost their home, they'd lose their couple (d) too.

(1) Only B-D

(2) Both A-C and B-D

(3) Only A-B

(4) Both A-B and C-D

(5) The sentence is correct

Ans9. Option (4) Difficulty – E

Correct Sentence: After the case was adjourned, the couple said that if they lost their home, they'd lose their livelihood too.


Q10. The aim of the repetitions (a) of the same commercial (b) on television is nothing but to brainwash (c) consumers into compulsive (d) consumption.

(1) Both A-B and C-D

(2) Only A-B

(3) Only C-D

(4) Both B-C and A-D

(5) The sentence is correct

Ans10. Option (3) Difficulty – H

The given sentence is absolutely correct.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Word meaning, antonyms and synonyms to enhance vocabular for SSC AND BANK EXAMS 2021


 1. MERCURIAL (adjective) – अस्थिर

Pronunciation: muh·kyuor·ree·uhl

Meaning: subject to sudden or unpredictable changes of mood or mind

Synonyms: volatile, capricious, excitable, fickle, changeable, unpredictable,


Antonyms: stable, steady, constant

Usage: The trending topics on Twitter are mercurial because they often change within seconds.


 2. CANTANKEROUS (adjective) – झगड़ालू

Pronunciation: kan·tang·kuh·ruhs

Meaning: bad-tempered, argumentative, and uncooperative

Synonyms: irascible, irritable, grumpy, grouchy, crotchety, tetchy, testy

Antonyms: pleasing, likeable

Usage: The leading character in the movie was a cantankerous old man who hated the world.


 3. RUMPLE (verb) – अस्त-व्यस्त

Pronunciation: ruhm·pl

Meaning: give a creased, ruffled, or disheveled appearance to

Synonyms: crumple, crease, wrinkle, tumble, crush, crinkle

Antonyms: smooth, even

Usage: You will rumple your jacket if you don't hang it up properly.


 4. ULTERIOR (adjective) – गुप्त

Pronunciation: uhl·teeuh·ree·uh

Meaning: existing beyond what is obvious or admitted

Synonyms: secondary, underlying, undisclosed, unexpressed, unapparent, unrevealed, secret

Antonyms: visible, noticeable

Usage: The accountant’s ulterior motives led her to stealing bank funds under the company radar.


 5. SODDEN (adjective) – तर

Pronunciation: so·dn

Meaning: saturated with liquid, especially water; soaked through

Synonyms: soaking, soaked, saturated, drenched, waterlogged, swampy, miry

Antonyms: dry, arid

Usage: After the marathon, Harold’s clothing was sodden with sweat.


 6. APOTHEOSIS (noun) – पराकाष्ठा

Pronunciation: uh·po·thee·ow·suhs

Meaning: the highest point in the development of something

Synonyms: culmination, climax, peak, pinnacle, summit, zenith, apex

Antonyms: nadir

Usage: When she walked down the aisle in her wedding gown, everyone thought she was the apotheosis of beauty.


7. VAIN (adjective) – व्यर्थ

Pronunciation: vein

Meaning: producing no result

Synonyms: futile, useless, pointless, worthless, nugatory, ineffective, ineffectual

Antonyms: successful, productive

UsageThe toddler’s attempt to reach the cookie jar on the counter was in vain.


 8. AUSPICIOUS (adjective) – शुभ

Pronunciation: aw·spi·shuhs

Meaning: conducive to success; favorable

Synonyms: favorable, propitious, promising, bright, optimistic, encouraging,


Antonyms: inauspicious, unpromising

Usage: Everybody knows the end of the year is an auspicious time to buy a car!


  9. INIMICAL (adjective) – हानिकारक

Pronunciation: uh·ni·muh·kl

Meaning: tending to obstruct or harm

Synonymsharmful, injurious, detrimental, deleterious, pernicious, damaging, hurtful

Antonyms: helpful, advantageous

Usage: These policies are inimical to the interests of society.


 10. STENTORIAN (adjective) – बुलंद

Pronunciation: sten·taw·ree·uhn

Meaning: loud and powerful

Synonyms: loud, booming, thundering, thunderous, trumpeting, blaring, roaring

Antonyms: quiet, soft

Usage: He spoke in a stentorian tone.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Quiz Based On Word Swap for BANK EXAMS


  Quiz Based On Word Swap for BANK EXAMS

Directions: In each of the questions given below, four words are given in bold. These four words may or may not be in their correct position. The sentence is then followed by options with the correct combination of words that should replace each other in order to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct. Find the correct combination of words that replace each other. If the sentence is correct as it is, select option E as your answer.


Q1. Finally, the lack of accurate (a) measurability severely (b) hampers the statistical   suitability (c) of assessment (d) of a stated hypothesis.

(1) Only A-B

(2) Both A-B and C-D

(3) Only C-D

(4) Both A-B and C-D

(5) The sentence is correct

Ans1. Option (3)    Difficulty – M

Correct Sentence: Finally, the lack of accurate measurability severely hampers the statistical assessment of suitability of a stated hypothesis.


Q2. The posters are urgent (a) to cheer up the renovation (b), which is in intended (c) need of staircase (d)

(1) Only A-C

(2) Both A-C and B-D

(3) Only A-B

(4) Both A-B and C-D

(5) The sentence is correct

Ans2. Option (2) Difficulty – H

Correct Sentence: The posters are intended to cheer up the staircase, which is in urgent need of renovation.


Q3. These systems may have to be restricted (a) to passive (b) use based on the extraction (c) of information (d) in well-defined forms.

(1) Only A-D

(2) Both A-D and B-C

(3) Only B-D

(4) Both A-C and B-D

(5) The sentence is correct

Ans3. Option (2) Difficulty – H

The given sentence is absolutely correct.


Q4. We were asked to infiltrate (a) the area and retrieve (b) as many farmhouse (c) as we could from the documents. (d)

(1) Both A-C and B-D

(2) Only A-D

(3) Only C-D

(4) Both A-D and B-C

(5) The sentence is correct

Ans4. Option (3) Difficulty – E

Correct Sentence: We were asked to infiltrate the area and retrieve as many documents as we could from the farmhouse.


Q5. Hostels are permanent (a) provided as a stopgap (b) until the families can be housed (c) in usually (d) accommodation.

(1) Both A-D and B-C

(2) Only A-D

(3) Only B-C

(4) Both A-B and C-D

(5) The sentence is correct

Ans5. Option (2) Difficulty – M

Correct Sentence: Hostels are usually (a) provided as a stopgap (b) until the families can be housed (c) in permanent (d) accommodation.


Q6. The enormous (a) expansion in secondary (b) education is putting an vast (c) strain (d) on the system.

(1) Only B-D

(2) Both A-B and C-D

(3) Both A-C and B-D

(4) Only A-C

(5) The sentence is correct

Ans6. Option (4) Difficulty – E

Correct Sentence: The vast expansion in secondary education is putting an enormous strain on the system.


Q7. Helping to developing (a) poverty in alleviate (b) countries also helps to reduce (c) environmental destruction (d)

(1) Only A-B

(2) Only C-D

(3) Both A-D and B-C

(4) Both A-B and C-D

(5) The sentence is correct

An7. Option (1) Difficulty – M

Correct Sentence: Helping to alleviate poverty in developing countries also helps to reduce environmental destruction.


Q8. Ordinary people merely (a) think how they shall spend (b) their talent (c) but a man of time (d) tries to use it.

(1) Both A-C and B-D

(2) Only C-D

(3) Both A-B and C-D

(4) Only A-C

(5) The sentence is correct

Ans8. Option (2) Difficulty – E

Correct Sentence: Ordinary people merely think how they shall spend their time but a man of talent tries to use it.


Q9. The Government having (a) our step (b) support for deserves (c) taken a wholehearted (d) in this direction.

(1) Only B-D

(2) Both A-B and C-D

(3) Only A-B

(4) Both A-C and B-D

(5) The sentence is correct

Ans9. Option (4) Difficulty – M

Correct Sentence: The Government deserves our wholehearted support for having taken a step in this direction.


Q10. Many of the rescued (a) birds are being hydrated (b) with electrolytes (c) and kept warm (d) on a heating pad.

(1) Both A-B and C-D

(2) Only A-B

(3) Only C-D

(4) Both B-C and A-D

(5) The sentence is correct

Ans10. Option (3) Difficulty – H

The given sentence is absolutely correct. 

Directions: In each of the questions given below, four words are given in bold. These four words may or may not be in their correct position. The sentence is then followed by options with the correct combination of words that should replace each other in order to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct. Find the correct combination of words that replace each other. If the sentence is correct as it is, select option E as your answer.


Q1. Finally, the lack of accurate (a) measurability severely (b) hampers the statistical   suitability (c) of assessment (d) of a stated hypothesis.

(1) Only A-B

(2) Both A-B and C-D

(3) Only C-D

(4) Both A-B and C-D

(5) The sentence is correct

Ans1. Option (3)    Difficulty – M

Correct Sentence: Finally, the lack of accurate measurability severely hampers the statistical assessment of suitability of a stated hypothesis.


Q2. The posters are urgent (a) to cheer up the renovation (b), which is in intended (c) need of staircase (d)

(1) Only A-C

(2) Both A-C and B-D

(3) Only A-B

(4) Both A-B and C-D

(5) The sentence is correct

Ans2. Option (2) Difficulty – H

Correct Sentence: The posters are intended to cheer up the staircase, which is in urgent need of renovation.


Q3. These systems may have to be restricted (a) to passive (b) use based on the extraction (c) of information (d) in well-defined forms.

(1) Only A-D

(2) Both A-D and B-C

(3) Only B-D

(4) Both A-C and B-D

(5) The sentence is correct

Ans3. Option (2) Difficulty – H

The given sentence is absolutely correct.


Q4. We were asked to infiltrate (a) the area and retrieve (b) as many farmhouse (c) as we could from the documents. (d)

(1) Both A-C and B-D

(2) Only A-D

(3) Only C-D

(4) Both A-D and B-C

(5) The sentence is correct

Ans4. Option (3) Difficulty – E

Correct Sentence: We were asked to infiltrate the area and retrieve as many documents as we could from the farmhouse.


Q5. Hostels are permanent (a) provided as a stopgap (b) until the families can be housed (c) in usually (d) accommodation.

(1) Both A-D and B-C

(2) Only A-D

(3) Only B-C

(4) Both A-B and C-D

(5) The sentence is correct

Ans5. Option (2) Difficulty – M

Correct Sentence: Hostels are usually (a) provided as a stopgap (b) until the families can be housed (c) in permanent (d) accommodation.


Q6. The enormous (a) expansion in secondary (b) education is putting an vast (c) strain (d) on the system.

(1) Only B-D

(2) Both A-B and C-D

(3) Both A-C and B-D

(4) Only A-C

(5) The sentence is correct

Ans6. Option (4) Difficulty – E

Correct Sentence: The vast expansion in secondary education is putting an enormous strain on the system.


Q7. Helping to developing (a) poverty in alleviate (b) countries also helps to reduce (c) environmental destruction (d)

(1) Only A-B

(2) Only C-D

(3) Both A-D and B-C

(4) Both A-B and C-D

(5) The sentence is correct

An7. Option (1) Difficulty – M

Correct Sentence: Helping to alleviate poverty in developing countries also helps to reduce environmental destruction.


Q8. Ordinary people merely (a) think how they shall spend (b) their talent (c) but a man of time (d) tries to use it.

(1) Both A-C and B-D

(2) Only C-D

(3) Both A-B and C-D

(4) Only A-C

(5) The sentence is correct

Ans8. Option (2) Difficulty – E

Correct Sentence: Ordinary people merely think how they shall spend their time but a man of talent tries to use it.


Q9. The Government having (a) our step (b) support for deserves (c) taken a wholehearted (d) in this direction.

(1) Only B-D

(2) Both A-B and C-D

(3) Only A-B

(4) Both A-C and B-D

(5) The sentence is correct

Ans9. Option (4) Difficulty – M

Correct Sentence: The Government deserves our wholehearted support for having taken a step in this direction.


Q10. Many of the rescued (a) birds are being hydrated (b) with electrolytes (c) and kept warm (d) on a heating pad.

(1) Both A-B and C-D

(2) Only A-B

(3) Only C-D

(4) Both B-C and A-D

(5) The sentence is correct

Ans10. Option (3) Difficulty – H

The given sentence is absolutely correct.

Monday, May 17, 2021

Word meaning, antonym, synonym and usage of difficult words to enhance vocab for SSC AND BANK EXAMS 2021


1. PRICEY (adjective) – कीमती

Pronunciation: prai·see

Meaning: expensive

Synonyms: expensive, costly, overpriced, exorbitant, excessive, extortionate

Antonyms: cheap, inexpensive, economical

Usage: The clothes are beautiful but very pricey.


2. PERIL (noun) – जोखिम

Pronunciation: peh·ruhl

Meaning: serious and immediate danger

Synonyms: danger, jeopardy, risk, hazard, insecurity, menace, threat

Antonyms: safety, security

Usage: To avoid peril, Helen should leave her house before the hurricane gets any closer to shore.


3. HULKING (adjective) – भीमकाय

Pronunciation: huhl·kuhng

Meaning: very large, heavy, or clumsy

Synonyms: large, big, heavy, sturdy, burly, brawny, hefty

Antonyms: light, small

Usage: The hulking lineman was able to squash his opponents with ease.


4. DASH (verb) – भागना

Pronunciation: dash

Meaning: run or travel somewhere in a great hurry

Synonyms: rush, race, run, sprint, bolt, dart, gallop

Antonyms: dawdle

Usage: The runners will dash to the finish line, each one hoping to be the first

one there.


5. AGOG (adjective) – उत्सुक

Pronunciation: uh·gog

Meaning: very eager or curious to hear or see something

Synonyms: eager, excited, impatient, keen, anxious, longing, curious

Antonyms: uninterested, incurious

Usage: Fans of the movie series are agog about the upcoming release of the new film.


6. WAKEFUL (adjective) – अनिद्रित, जागृत

Pronunciation: weik·fl

Meaning: unable or not needing to sleep

Synonyms: unsleeping, awake,restless, restive, insomniac, watchful

Antonyms: sleeping, asleep

Usage: She had been wakeful all night.


7. RESOLUTE (adjective) – दृढ़

Pronunciation: reh·zuh·loot

Meaning:admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering

Synonyms: determined, purposeful, resolved, purposive, decided, adamant, firm

Antonyms: irresolute

UsageVoters perceive him as a decisive and resolute international leader.


8. HUSTLE (noun) – ऊधम,  भीड़-भाड़

Pronunciation: huh·sl

Meaning: a state of great activity

Synonyms: activity, bustle, commotion, tumult, hubbub, brouhaha, busyness, action

Antonyms: peace, calm

Usage: Jenny was exhausted by the hustle of city life.


9. PROSPEROUS (adjective) – समृद्ध

Pronunciation: pro·spuh·ruhs

Meaning: wealthy and successful

Synonymsthriving, prospering, expanding, flourishing, successful, strong

Antonyms: depressed, poor

Usage: The prosperous man never had to worry about having enough money to pay his bills.


10. HEARTEN (verb) – प्रोत्साहन देना

Pronunciation: haa·tn

Meaning: make more cheerful or confident

Synonyms: cheer, encourage, comfort, reassure, console, boost, uplift

Antonyms: dishearten, discourage, dispirit

Usage: Fresh flowers and sunshine was all that was needed to hearten him.