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Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Word, meaning and usage of Difficult words for SSC AND BANK EXAMS

 1. VENGEFUL (adjective) – बदला लेनेवाला, प्रतिहिंसक

Pronunciation: venj·ful

Meaning: seeking to harm someone in return for a perceived injury

Synonyms: vindictive, revengeful, avenging, unforgiving, resentful, acrimonious

Antonyms: forgiving, benevolent

Usage: Many comic book villains are consumed by a vengeful quest to annihilate all those who have wronged them.


 2. GRUBBY (adjective) – धूलमय

Pronunciation: gruh·bee

Meaning: covered with dirt

Synonyms: dirty, grimy, filthy, unwashed, stained, soiled, smeared

Antonyms: clean, washed

Usage: His white coat was grubby and stained.


 3. VAGUE (adjective) – अस्पष्ट

Pronunciation: veig

Meaning: of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning

Synonyms: indistinct, indefinite, indeterminate, unclear, hazy, cloudy, misty

Antonyms: clear, precise, firm

Usage: The governor gave only a vague outline of his tax plan.


  4. FIERCE (adjective) – उग्र

Pronunciation: feeuhs

Meaning: having or displaying an intense or ferocious aggressiveness

Synonyms: ferocious, savage, aggressive, vicious, wild, feral, untamed

Antonyms: gentle, tame, mild

Usage: The house is guarded by a fierce dog.


 5. FESTIVE (adjective) – आनंदित

Pronunciation: feh·stuhv

Meaning: cheerful and jovially celebratory

Synonyms: jolly, merry, joyous, joyful, happy, jovial, celebratory

Antonyms: miserable, sad

Usage: John was in a festive mood.


 6. MATERIALISTIC (adjective) – भौतिकवादी

Pronunciation: muh·teeuh·ree·uh·li·stuhk

Meaning: excessively concerned with material possessions

Synonyms: worldly, consumerist, capitalistic, bourgeois, acquisitive, greedy

Antonyms: spiritual, religious, intellectual

Usage: We are living in a highly materialistic society.


 7. ABSTRACTED (adjective) – असावधान, ध्यानरहित

Pronunciation: uhb·strak·tuhd

Meaning: lacking concentration on what is happening around one

Synonyms: distracted, inattentive, preoccupied, absorbed, engrossed, dreamy

Antonyms: attentive, alert

UsageCarla seemed abstracted and unaware of her surroundings.


   8. ABORTIVE (adjective) – निष्फल

Pronunciation: uh·baw·tuhv

Meaning: failing to produce the intended result

Synonyms: failed, unsuccessful, vain, thwarted, futile, useless, fruitless

Antonyms: successful, fruitful

Usage: The surgery was abortive and did not repair the damage to the man’s heart.


   9. DREARY (adjective) – उदास

Pronunciation: dreeuh·ree

Meaning: depressingly dull and bleak or repetitive

Synonymsdull, drab, uninteresting, flat, dry, banal, bland

Antonyms: exciting, cheerful, bright

Usage: When I read the rejection letter, I immediately became dreary.


  10. SCRAWNY (adjective) – दुबला

Pronunciation: skraw·nee

Meaning: unattractively thin and bony

Synonyms: skinny, thin, gaunt, bony, angular, gawky, scraggy

Antonyms: plump, fat

Usage: The scrawny boy was too thin to be a weight lifter

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