1. MOUNTAINOUS (adjective) – पर्वतीय
Pronunciation: mawn·tuh·nuhs
Meaning: having many mountains
Synonyms: hilly, craggy, rocky, alpine, high, steep, precipitous
Antonyms: flat
Usage: A majority of the state is mountainous with a few
flat areas scattered amongst the foothills.
2. HABITABLE (adjective)
– रहने योग्य
Pronunciation: ha·buh·tuh·bl
Meaning: suitable or good enough to live in
Synonyms: inhabitable, usable, tenantable, livable
Antonyms: uninhabitable, unlivable
Usage: The house should be habitable by Christmas.
3. IMPLY (verb) – संकेत करना
Pronunciation: uhm·plai
Meaning: to hint at something without directly stating or
Synonyms: implicit, indirect, hinted, suggested, insinuated,
inferred, hint
Antonyms: explicit, direct
Usage: The letter seems to imply that the minister knew
about the business deals.
4. RAMBUNCTIOUS (adjective)
– उधमी
Pronunciation: ram·buhngk·shuhs
Meaning: uncontrollably exuberant
Synonyms: boisterous, unrestrained, irrepressible, exuberant,
uproarious, rollicking
Antonyms: restrained, quiet
Usage: Their rambunctious son always got into trouble.
5. SCINTILLATING (adjective)
– परिहास युक्त
Pronunciation: sin·tuh·lei·tuhng
Meaning: remarkably witty
Synonyms: brilliant, dazzling, exciting, exhilarating,
stimulating, invigorating
Antonyms: boring, dull
Usage: Throughout the debate, the politician made people laugh
with his scintillating remarks.
6. CONTAMINATE (verb) – दूषित करना
Pronunciation: kuhn·ta·muh·neit
Meaning: to make something dirty, dangerous or impure
Synonyms: pollute, adulterate, defile, debase, corrupt, taint,
Antonyms: purify, decontaminate
Usage: A sneeze guard covered the buffet line so that people
wouldn’t contaminate the food.
7. SOLITUDE (noun) – एकांत
Pronunciation: so·luh·chood
Meaning: the state or situation of being alone
Synonyms: loneliness, remoteness, isolation, seclusion,
retirement, withdrawal
Antonyms: company
Usage: Sometimes, a little solitude is just what you need to
clear your mind.
8. INFERIOR (noun) – निम्न
Pronunciation: uhn·feeuh·ree·uh
Meaning: a person lower than another in rank, status, or ability
Synonyms: subordinate, junior, underling, minion, menial
Antonyms: superior
Usage: A captain is inferior to a major.
(adjective) – अनावश्यक
Pronunciation: ruh·duhn·dnt
Meaning: not needed or useful
Synonyms: unnecessary, inessential, unessential, needless, unneeded,
Antonyms: essential, necessary
Usage: The programmer deleted the redundant line of code
that added no value to the software program.
10. RAMPANT (adjective) – अनियंत्रित
Pronunciation: ram·pnt
Meaning: flourishing or spreading unchecked
Synonyms: uncontrolled, unrestrained, unchecked, unbridled,
Antonyms: controlled, restrained
Usage: Sadly, the Internet has made it easier for the rampant
spread of false information.
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