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Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Word meaning, antonyms and synonyms to enhance vocabular for SSC AND BANK EXAMS 2021


 1. MERCURIAL (adjective) – अस्थिर

Pronunciation: muh·kyuor·ree·uhl

Meaning: subject to sudden or unpredictable changes of mood or mind

Synonyms: volatile, capricious, excitable, fickle, changeable, unpredictable,


Antonyms: stable, steady, constant

Usage: The trending topics on Twitter are mercurial because they often change within seconds.


 2. CANTANKEROUS (adjective) – झगड़ालू

Pronunciation: kan·tang·kuh·ruhs

Meaning: bad-tempered, argumentative, and uncooperative

Synonyms: irascible, irritable, grumpy, grouchy, crotchety, tetchy, testy

Antonyms: pleasing, likeable

Usage: The leading character in the movie was a cantankerous old man who hated the world.


 3. RUMPLE (verb) – अस्त-व्यस्त

Pronunciation: ruhm·pl

Meaning: give a creased, ruffled, or disheveled appearance to

Synonyms: crumple, crease, wrinkle, tumble, crush, crinkle

Antonyms: smooth, even

Usage: You will rumple your jacket if you don't hang it up properly.


 4. ULTERIOR (adjective) – गुप्त

Pronunciation: uhl·teeuh·ree·uh

Meaning: existing beyond what is obvious or admitted

Synonyms: secondary, underlying, undisclosed, unexpressed, unapparent, unrevealed, secret

Antonyms: visible, noticeable

Usage: The accountant’s ulterior motives led her to stealing bank funds under the company radar.


 5. SODDEN (adjective) – तर

Pronunciation: so·dn

Meaning: saturated with liquid, especially water; soaked through

Synonyms: soaking, soaked, saturated, drenched, waterlogged, swampy, miry

Antonyms: dry, arid

Usage: After the marathon, Harold’s clothing was sodden with sweat.


 6. APOTHEOSIS (noun) – पराकाष्ठा

Pronunciation: uh·po·thee·ow·suhs

Meaning: the highest point in the development of something

Synonyms: culmination, climax, peak, pinnacle, summit, zenith, apex

Antonyms: nadir

Usage: When she walked down the aisle in her wedding gown, everyone thought she was the apotheosis of beauty.


7. VAIN (adjective) – व्यर्थ

Pronunciation: vein

Meaning: producing no result

Synonyms: futile, useless, pointless, worthless, nugatory, ineffective, ineffectual

Antonyms: successful, productive

UsageThe toddler’s attempt to reach the cookie jar on the counter was in vain.


 8. AUSPICIOUS (adjective) – शुभ

Pronunciation: aw·spi·shuhs

Meaning: conducive to success; favorable

Synonyms: favorable, propitious, promising, bright, optimistic, encouraging,


Antonyms: inauspicious, unpromising

Usage: Everybody knows the end of the year is an auspicious time to buy a car!


  9. INIMICAL (adjective) – हानिकारक

Pronunciation: uh·ni·muh·kl

Meaning: tending to obstruct or harm

Synonymsharmful, injurious, detrimental, deleterious, pernicious, damaging, hurtful

Antonyms: helpful, advantageous

Usage: These policies are inimical to the interests of society.


 10. STENTORIAN (adjective) – बुलंद

Pronunciation: sten·taw·ree·uhn

Meaning: loud and powerful

Synonyms: loud, booming, thundering, thunderous, trumpeting, blaring, roaring

Antonyms: quiet, soft

Usage: He spoke in a stentorian tone.

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