1. PRICEY (adjective) – कीमती
Pronunciation: prai·see
Meaning: expensive
Synonyms: expensive, costly, overpriced, exorbitant, excessive,
Antonyms: cheap, inexpensive, economical
Usage: The clothes are beautiful but very pricey.
2. PERIL (noun) – जोखिम
Pronunciation: peh·ruhl
Meaning: serious and immediate danger
Synonyms: danger, jeopardy, risk, hazard, insecurity, menace,
Antonyms: safety, security
Usage: To avoid peril, Helen should leave her house
before the hurricane gets any closer to shore.
3. HULKING (adjective) – भीमकाय
Pronunciation: huhl·kuhng
Meaning: very large, heavy, or clumsy
Synonyms: large, big, heavy, sturdy, burly, brawny, hefty
Antonyms: light, small
Usage: The hulking lineman was able to squash his
opponents with ease.
4. DASH (verb) – भागना
Pronunciation: dash
Meaning: run or travel somewhere in a great hurry
Synonyms: rush, race, run, sprint, bolt, dart, gallop
Antonyms: dawdle
Usage: The runners will dash to the finish line, each one
hoping to be the first
one there.
5. AGOG (adjective) – उत्सुक
Pronunciation: uh·gog
Meaning: very eager or curious to hear or see something
Synonyms: eager, excited, impatient, keen, anxious, longing,
Antonyms: uninterested, incurious
Usage: Fans of the movie series are agog about the
upcoming release of the new film.
6. WAKEFUL (adjective) – अनिद्रित, जागृत
Pronunciation: weik·fl
Meaning: unable or not needing to sleep
Synonyms: unsleeping, awake,restless, restive, insomniac,
Antonyms: sleeping, asleep
Usage: She had been wakeful all night.
7. RESOLUTE (adjective) – दृढ़
Pronunciation: reh·zuh·loot
Meaning:admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering
Synonyms: determined, purposeful, resolved, purposive, decided,
adamant, firm
Antonyms: irresolute
Usage: Voters perceive him as a decisive and resolute
international leader.
8. HUSTLE (noun) – ऊधम, भीड़-भाड़
Pronunciation: huh·sl
Meaning: a state of great activity
Synonyms: activity, bustle, commotion, tumult, hubbub, brouhaha,
busyness, action
Antonyms: peace, calm
Usage: Jenny was exhausted by the hustle of city life.
9. PROSPEROUS (adjective) – समृद्ध
Pronunciation: pro·spuh·ruhs
Meaning: wealthy and successful
Synonyms: thriving, prospering, expanding, flourishing, successful, strong
Antonyms: depressed, poor
Usage: The prosperous man never had to worry about having
enough money to pay his bills.
10. HEARTEN (verb) – प्रोत्साहन देना
Pronunciation: haa·tn
Meaning: make more cheerful or confident
Synonyms: cheer, encourage, comfort, reassure, console, boost,
Antonyms: dishearten, discourage, dispirit
Usage: Fresh flowers and sunshine was all that was needed to hearten
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